The Transportation Task Force 2045 (T2045) has been convened by the Honorable Mayor Edwin M. Lee and Board of Supervisors President London Breed. The Task Force will be co-chaired by Andres Power, Senior Advisor to Mayor Lee, and Sunny Angulo, Legislative Aide to San Francisco County Transportation Authority Chair and City Supervisor Aaron Peskin. Task Force members represent the community at large, including individuals representing neighborhoods; small and large businesses; transportation, housing and environmental justice advocacy groups; labor and civic organizations; and city and regional transportation agencies. See the full list of Task Force members.

To ensure a safe, reliable, and affordable transportation system, the Task Force will meet over the coming months to discuss options for how the City can generate revenue, prioritize expenditures over the long-term, and balance regional and neighborhood-level needs.


  • Identify transportation funding needs and gaps in resources
  • Identify potential revenue options to close the gaps

T2045 will build off the City's previous transportation planning efforts (including the Transportation Task Force 2030 process, The San Francisco Transportation Plan, Plan Bay Area, and Propositions J and K previously on the November 2016 ballot) and incorporate the progress we've made in the intervening years as well as the new challenges we face as a city.


The T2045 Task Force had its final meeting in December 2017, and concluded its work with five recommendations to be submitted to the Transportation Authority Board, the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor's office, and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Board. The Task Force's Final Report memorializes the contributions of the Task Force, and as the conversation about local revenues for transportation in San Francisco continues, the report will serve as a resource to help provide an understanding of the trade-offs between different sources and different transportation investments, with the hopes of enabling a higher level of investment in the city's transportation systems. 


June 5: Agenda | Meeting Materials

July 24, 4:00–5:30PM. 1 South Van Ness, 2nd floor. Agenda | Meeting materials | Meeting summary
Additional information on Equity:

August 21, 4:00-5:30PM. 1455 Market Street, 22nd floor.Agenda | Meeting materials
Additional information:

September 25, 4:00-5:30PM. 1455 Market Street, 22nd floor. Agenda | Meeting materials
Additional information:

October 23, 4:00-5:30PM. 1455 Market Street, 22nd floor. Agenda | Meeting materials
Additional information:

November 20. 4:00-5:30PM. 1455 Market Street, 22nd floor. Agenda | Meeting Materials

December 18, 4:00-5:30PM. 1455 Market Street, 22nd floor. Agenda | Meeting Materials

Final Task Force Survey Voting Results



To receive updates and meeting information about SF Transportation 2045, for questions about the process, or to provide input, please contact:

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