Below are links to brief fact sheets on the local revenue sources being discussed as part of the San Francisco Transportation 2045 Task Force process.
Vehicle-related revenue sources
B. Parking Fees, City Facilities
C. Parking Tax
D. Vehicle License Fee (VLF), San Francisco, SB 1492
E. Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF), Bicycle Infrastructure, SB 1183
Property-related revenue sources
F. Parcel Tax
G. Real Property Transfer Tax (RPTT)
H. Transportation Sustainability Fee (TSF) Increase
Paid by individuals and businesses
I. Carbon Tax
J-M. Business Taxes, including:
J. Gross Receipts Tax: general increase
K. Gross Receipts Tax: commercial property rent
L. Gross Receipts Tax: independent contractor economy (gig economy)
M. Payroll Tax
N. Sales Tax
Entertainment / Leisure-related revenue sources
O. Large Event Ticket Surcharge
P. Sports Francise Tax
Q. Transient Occupancy Tax (Hotel Tax)
Post-2018 revenue sources
R. Assessment Districts
S. Congestion Pricing
T. General Obligation Bond (GO Bond)
U. High-polluting Vehicle Tax
V. Income Tax - Corporate
W. Income Tax - Personal
X. Property Tax - Commercial
Y. Residential Parking Permit Fees
Z. Robot Tax
AA. Transportation Network Companies (TNC) Fee
BB. Vehicle License Fee (VLF) on 2nd Vehicles
CC. Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Fee